Diabetes Exclusive Policy

India has the highest number to diabetic patient in the world. The disease is very painful and costly too. Hence there are different companies that offer exclusive diabetes policy solution to meet the cost of treatment and hospitalization. Mediclaim is such a company that offers solution to choose the best … Continue reading

Low Cost Policy

With the health risk increasing in India and the sky rocketing price of treatment related to different disease, it has become essential for a health insurance and yet at an affordable price. This is because the maximum population of India or the so called common man cannot afford a exorbitant … Continue reading

Claim Assistance

Claim assistance is a kind of help given by a third party to file the claims and materializing the benefits from the insurance company. The person assisting in filing the claim is a local representative of the insurance company. This representative is responsible for investigating the specific details of the … Continue reading

Claim Procedure

Medical or health insurance helps our family from falling into any financial crisis due to medical emergency. These policies cover the medical and hospitalization expenses of the insured person during the treatment period and his dependents after his death. Accordingly there are different procedures to claim the expenses. 1. Cashless … Continue reading

Medical Policy Settlement

Health expenses have become a concern for most Indian families now- a-days. This is because at times it covers 75% of annual income. This is the reason insurance companies in India and also the Indian government has been promoting health coverage/ Health Insurance. Mediclaim is the expenses covered or meted … Continue reading

How To Choose A Mediclaim Policy

Mediclaim policy is intended to provide coverage to unexpected medical expenses that may lead to financial hardships. With growing popularity of the health insurance policy, it becomes nearly impossible for us to pick out a suitable policy at the affordable prices. Like all other forms of insurance, medical health insurance … Continue reading

Mediclaim For Employees

The employers generally buy Mediclaim for the employees from the insurance provider in order to offer a large number of benefits to their employees. Employers mainly consider on offering his employees something necessary and important and in their list of benefits, mediclaim is considered as the most essential and important … Continue reading

Individual Mediclaim Policy

Mediclaim is a kind of insurance policy that offers coverage to unexpected medical emergencies, which may end up with financial hardships. With the growing necessity of Mediclaim, Health insurance has emerged as one of the leading contributing sector to India’s economy. A government organization or private insurance companies offer medical … Continue reading