Healthy Promblems To Stay Away From

Healthy Promblems To Stay Away From:

Heart Disease: Coronary heart disease or the CHD, which is also commonly known as Heart attack results to about 17 million (approximately 30%) deaths in a year throughout the world as per the World Health Organization (WHO). It is a medical emergency and it is also estimated that in three years from now, heart disease will be the leading killer of both men and women in this world.

Flu or Influenza: Influenza, which is commonly known, as “the flu” is a disease or an illness, which is because of the respiratory tract infecting viruses. On an average in a yearly basis, influenza is responsible for about 20,000 deaths all over the nation and many more hospitalizations.Complications related to Flu can happen at any age; however, the old people and other people having serious problems related to health are much more prone to serious complications after influenza infection than are younger, healthier people.

Obesity or Overweight: If you are overweight, there is a greater risk of you developing  coronary heart disease, stroke, breast and colol cancer

Obesity also increases the risk of hypertension, type2 diabetes, Gall bladder disease and high cholestrol.

High Blood Pressure: It can be of two types systolic and diastolic. High Blood pressure complicates all the diseases. It can lead to heart attacks and even Brain Hemorrhage.

Diabetes: The two types of diabetes Type1 and Type 2. Patients having diabetes have more chances of developing bladder infections and other infections in the skin and vaginal areas. The symptoms of Diabetes are usually related to increased blood sugar levels and loss of glucose in urine.

Mental illness: Problems related to the mind like Depression, anxiety, seizures, fits and phobias can lead to a host of other problems. We might not realize it but such problems maybe within us.

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