Good Health

In the year 1948, the WHO also known as the World Health Organization defined Health as a “State of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The statement has now been modified to include the ability to lead a “socially and economically productive life”.

Mental Health is something that talks about a person’s emotional, psychological and physical well-being. The way of looking at mental health is how effectively a person can function. His ability to handle stress, maintain satisfying relationships and being able to lead a dignified life are all signs of mental well being. Encircling your social, emotional and well-being; the three aspects such as emotional, physical and social generally function together to attain good health.

Every year diseases claim more than seventy percent of the deaths that occur. These diseases could have been averted if people had been more concerned about their health and well being. Infact one of the startling facts is that most of the old people do not die because of old age but die because of health problems like heart and cardio vascular diseases, various forms of cancer and respiratory diseases. Diabetes too is one of the major killers in the World. The ironical thing is that the Whole world looks at terrorism as the main cause of death in the World but if truth be believed, it does not find its way even in the top ten of the World’s killers. Diabetes, Cancer, AIDS, Heart Attack and even Malaria dominate the list. And hence it shows that if people would focus as much on being healthy as they do on the violence related stories. The World would be a much better place.

Health and hygiene are the most important things that come to mind. As Health is indeed Wealth. But in this fast paced World people barely get time to invest in their Health, forgetting the fact that caring for your health on a daily basis will reep in long term benefits. But people ignore their health from time to time until they fall seriously sick or get affected by a disease and relaise the consequences of their folly. The long list of patients outside a Doctors house stands testimony to the fact as to how much importance people give to their health these days. Thus, we should care regularly for our Health. Stress Management has also become essential to avoid illnesses like high blood pressure, hypertension and depression. Staying Healthy is just the beginning of a lifelong relationship that we can have with ourselves.

The concept of ‘Good Health’ has many things associated with itself. Exercising regularly to stay physically fit, eating a balanced diet to stay fit from within, and also avoiding mental health problems. If all these conditions are met, then could we maintain that we are healthy.

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